Quite a long time without posting here, sorry for this silence! We're hoping you're having great times for this year's end, because we are. It's time to share some new stuff with you!
** ALMOST in the press!
"ALMOST" has received its first reviews, and it's quite positive!
You can read what they're thinking of it:
Zik N'Blog: http://www.ziknblog.com/2009/12/22/between-the-zones/
W-Fenec: http://www.w-fenec.org/indus/between-the-zones,5754,almost.html
Skoud: http://www.skoud.com/Between-The-Zones,237
Magicfiremusic: http://www.magicfiremusic.net/chronique.php?id=2786
Metal Sickness: http://www.metalsickness.com/chronique.php?id_chronique=1760
Cratères de l'Hydre: http://www.crateresdelhydre.com/rubrique,between-the-zones,480112.html
I guess more reviews will come in 2010!
Ah, speaking of "ALMOST", the song "Spectral" was added on our player last month.
** Remixes
Our friends of STOLEARM have released a remix album for their song "Jesus Missile" and we are part of the remixers featured on this album! It was a great honor to take this song and make something completely different.
To go with it, Stolearm has also made a remix for BTZ' "8.8.8" ! I think it's really really good and we're super happy to share it with you. This song is featured on our Myspace music player, so tell us about it ;) This song will eventually be available for download on our website, on the LOST TRACKS page, later in january.
Just have a listen to these remixes ; it's great to how a song can evolve when different people (from different musical spheres!) are dealing with it!
You can download the "Jesus Missile" remix album here: http://download.tuxfamily.org/vault106/%5bVAULT035%5d.Stolearm.-.Jesus-Missile-double-EP.rar
For more about Stolearm, check their Myspace profile: http://www.myspace.com/stolearm
** BTZ on tour
We are currently planning a tour in France (and around...), and we're really excited about it! We're still looking for more dates, any time, anywhere... If you have concerts opportunities, don't hesitate to contact us!
The next shows are going to be way different from 2009' ones, for several reasons. We don't use fixed tempos anymore, so it's more human and less machines you can listen to. We're aware that this will make us less industrial than rock, but it's the way our music is evolving. Don't worry, we still have these heavy electronic sounds ; it will just be more organic on stage!
2009 has been a superb year for us, with all of these recording sessions, mixing, concerts, meetings with people... We hope 2010 will be even better!
Let's make an happy end for 2009 :)
Shape-shifting rock and metal from France. Solo project created in late 2005, redesigned as a collective in 2008.
December 30, 2009
October 13, 2009
October 11, 2009
ALMOST Released
Hello there!
Our new EP is finally out! You can download it for free, or if you want to support us, you can order the CD version, which includes nice bonus material. Just go to our website to get your version, and tell us about it!
For those who didn't know about it, there's now a special space on the website, called "LOST TRACKS", featuring unreleased and experimental tracks, as well as remixes and covers.
Please visit this space, from time to time, to see what's new ;)
As you may have noticed, the website design has been entirely remade by in© (our keyboard player) and we hope that you'll enjoy spending a little time on it. We have also put online new videos from the MRF 2009, don't hesitate to tell us about it!
There are lots of things going on for BTZ, stay tuned! ^^
PS. We apologize to the people who have pre-ordered the EP and didn't have received it yet, but it seems that the french general postal services have some troubles. We're going to send it again using another shipping company to make sure you have it quickly.
Our new EP is finally out! You can download it for free, or if you want to support us, you can order the CD version, which includes nice bonus material. Just go to our website to get your version, and tell us about it!
For those who didn't know about it, there's now a special space on the website, called "LOST TRACKS", featuring unreleased and experimental tracks, as well as remixes and covers.
Please visit this space, from time to time, to see what's new ;)
As you may have noticed, the website design has been entirely remade by in© (our keyboard player) and we hope that you'll enjoy spending a little time on it. We have also put online new videos from the MRF 2009, don't hesitate to tell us about it!
There are lots of things going on for BTZ, stay tuned! ^^
PS. We apologize to the people who have pre-ordered the EP and didn't have received it yet, but it seems that the french general postal services have some troubles. We're going to send it again using another shipping company to make sure you have it quickly.
September 27, 2009
BTZ song "Evolving" featured in a short film!
A few months ago, Mike Snow asked us if he could use the song "Evolving" (from the "Enter Slack" LP) for a short film he was working on... This short film, entitled "My Redemption", is finally online! I think it's a really cool short film, with great shots and atmosphere, and I'm very happy to have contributed to the soundtrack. Congratulations M. Snow!
Click here to watch "My Redemption" on Youtube
Click here to watch "My Redemption" on Youtube
September 26, 2009
About the covers of the Soul Reaver themes

Between The Zones was created in 2005 as a solo project.
At the time, I wanted to make some industrial/ambient songs, with some rock elements and structures. The main reason why I wanted to explore these music styles was my love for the "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver" soundtrack, composed by Kurt Harland from The Information Society, which still is a complete masterpiece to my ears.
My love for this soundtrack led me to record two covers, available today on the "Enter Slack" LP. As BTZ wasn't a real band in 2006, I've decided to film myself playing these two songs, with bass and drums provided by my computer... I wanted to share it with the Legacy of Kain online community (I'm know under the nicknames Slack and R@ziel on the Nosgoth-fr board).
These two videos are still online, on my Youtube account:
- Wasteland Midrashim (Cover song for "Ozar Midrashim 1.1" - Soul Reaver theme)
- Forgotten Lament (Cover song for "Ariel's Lament" - Soul Reaver 2 theme)
Lots of people who were enjoying these covers have been asking for guitar/bass tabs.
I've finally decided to put it online, so there it is, in gp4 format (you need the Guitarpro software to read the files)
Tablature for the Ozar Midrashim cover | Tablature for the Ariel's Lament cover
Today, Between The Zones is a band.
We are playing songs that are quite different from what the project was at its creation, but I'm happy about it because things need to evolve! As a consequence, we haven't planned to play these covers live, but who knows?
Take care of yourself, everyone, and always keep your passions alive ;)
!!! UPDATE: 2016 !!!
September 18, 2009
Pre-order "Almost"
Hi :)
As you can read, pre-orders for "Almost" are opened! So if you want to get the EP a little before everyone else, just click up there. Price is 6 euros (approx. 8,85 USD) and we're using Paypal.
The CD version of "Almost" includes:
- 5 previously unreleased songs
- 4 live videos from Montpellier Rock Festival 2009 (mp4 format)
- Lyrics for the 5 songs
- Wallpapers for PC, Mac, iPhone etc
- Digifile with original artwork
The digital version of "Almost" will be in mp3 format (320 kbps) and will include high resolution artwork. Like all our previous releases, it will be available for free download!
As you can read, pre-orders for "Almost" are opened! So if you want to get the EP a little before everyone else, just click up there. Price is 6 euros (approx. 8,85 USD) and we're using Paypal.
The CD version of "Almost" includes:
- 5 previously unreleased songs
- 4 live videos from Montpellier Rock Festival 2009 (mp4 format)
- Lyrics for the 5 songs
- Wallpapers for PC, Mac, iPhone etc
- Digifile with original artwork
The digital version of "Almost" will be in mp3 format (320 kbps) and will include high resolution artwork. Like all our previous releases, it will be available for free download!
September 8, 2009
Hey there! We're happy to share with you this little teaser we've made for our new EP! This new EP will be released october 10th, in digital version (free) and cd version!
To celebrate it, we've also updated the profile' design and add a live version of a new song, "Part of the mass", recorded at the Montpellier Rock Festival last june.
Don't hesitate to tell us about it... :)
Take care, everyone!
PS: If some of you are wondering what is this song called "Ex-position" in the player, let's say it's just some experiment ^^ Sometimes we'll post random songs like this, not meant for live or anything- just meant for fun.
September 5, 2009
EP Release date
Hello! We finally have a release date for our new EP, recorded last spring : october 10th!
And stay on your guard, because we have several surprises for you, to come with this release !!!
Ho, and our last EP, "Rough" has a short-but-kind review on the Skoud site: http://www.skoud.com/Between-The-Zones
See ya ;)
And stay on your guard, because we have several surprises for you, to come with this release !!!
Ho, and our last EP, "Rough" has a short-but-kind review on the Skoud site: http://www.skoud.com/Between-The-Zones
See ya ;)
August 15, 2009
August 9, 2009
News, and special show!
Hi everyone!
It's been a lil while since I've posted here. It's quite weird these days, because altough it's summer time (= holidays, for lots of people) we are very busy for BTZ... Anyway, we're hoping everything is going fine for each of you. Lots of stuff are preparing actually, and we can't wait to share it with you (but as you may have guessed, we have to wait ^^).
It wasn't planned at all but Between The Zones will give a special concert august 12 in Montpellier/Lattes, at the Havana night.
We are supporting our friends of Marto, who are in some kind of "troubles" after the Montpellyeah Rock Festival, in june.
Please come to see this concert, it's only 4€, it starts at 10 PM, and there are 3 (maybe 4) bands playing. Furthermore, contrary to what most people may think, the Havana Night has a really good sound installation (actually it's a night club, so they know how to restitute basses ^^). Please come and support the bands ;)
As this concert is a "special" one, I'm going to make something I've never done before in this blog: je vais aussi faire l'annonce en français !
D'ailleurs, si cela vous plait, je pourrais aussi faire mes prochains posts en anglais ET français, donc à vous de vous manifester :)
Donc, bien le bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Ca fait longtemps que je n'avais posté ici. C'est assez étrange pour nous en ce moment, car bien que ça soit l'été (= vacances pour certains) nous travaillons sur beaucoup de trucs avec BTZ. Nous sommes très impatients de partager tout ça avec vous mais comme vous devez vous en douter, on doit attendre encore un peu.
Ce n'était pas du tout prévu il y a encore 1 mois, mais nous allons jouer le 12 aout au Havana Night, à Montpellier/Lattes.
Il s'agit d'un concert de soutient à l'association Martoland, tenue par nos amis de Marto, dont le but est de réparer les quelques soucis de "non-public" du Montpellyeah Rock Festival, qui a eu lieu en juin, souvenez-vous.
Ce concert du 12, ce mercredi donc, a une entrée à 4€, commence à 22h, et 3 groupes vont jouer pour vous (peut être 4). Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait penser, étant donné que le Havana Night est au départ une boite de nuit, l'installation sonore est de très bonne facture! Je vous encourage donc vivement à venir nous voir, ainsi que Marto et Tanaeka, pour cette soirée qui s'annonce d'ors et déjà bien sympathique.
Et voilà pour aujourd'hui...
We hope you're having a nice weekend. Stay aware for more news soon, and see ya on wednesday ;) Bye.
It's been a lil while since I've posted here. It's quite weird these days, because altough it's summer time (= holidays, for lots of people) we are very busy for BTZ... Anyway, we're hoping everything is going fine for each of you. Lots of stuff are preparing actually, and we can't wait to share it with you (but as you may have guessed, we have to wait ^^).
It wasn't planned at all but Between The Zones will give a special concert august 12 in Montpellier/Lattes, at the Havana night.
We are supporting our friends of Marto, who are in some kind of "troubles" after the Montpellyeah Rock Festival, in june.
Please come to see this concert, it's only 4€, it starts at 10 PM, and there are 3 (maybe 4) bands playing. Furthermore, contrary to what most people may think, the Havana Night has a really good sound installation (actually it's a night club, so they know how to restitute basses ^^). Please come and support the bands ;)
As this concert is a "special" one, I'm going to make something I've never done before in this blog: je vais aussi faire l'annonce en français !
D'ailleurs, si cela vous plait, je pourrais aussi faire mes prochains posts en anglais ET français, donc à vous de vous manifester :)
Donc, bien le bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Ca fait longtemps que je n'avais posté ici. C'est assez étrange pour nous en ce moment, car bien que ça soit l'été (= vacances pour certains) nous travaillons sur beaucoup de trucs avec BTZ. Nous sommes très impatients de partager tout ça avec vous mais comme vous devez vous en douter, on doit attendre encore un peu.
Ce n'était pas du tout prévu il y a encore 1 mois, mais nous allons jouer le 12 aout au Havana Night, à Montpellier/Lattes.
Il s'agit d'un concert de soutient à l'association Martoland, tenue par nos amis de Marto, dont le but est de réparer les quelques soucis de "non-public" du Montpellyeah Rock Festival, qui a eu lieu en juin, souvenez-vous.
Ce concert du 12, ce mercredi donc, a une entrée à 4€, commence à 22h, et 3 groupes vont jouer pour vous (peut être 4). Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait penser, étant donné que le Havana Night est au départ une boite de nuit, l'installation sonore est de très bonne facture! Je vous encourage donc vivement à venir nous voir, ainsi que Marto et Tanaeka, pour cette soirée qui s'annonce d'ors et déjà bien sympathique.
Et voilà pour aujourd'hui...
We hope you're having a nice weekend. Stay aware for more news soon, and see ya on wednesday ;) Bye.
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