

April 3, 2013

Some news

Hello people!!!

Long time no post on the site, but if you're following us on Facebook you must know that we've been very busy lately ;) Be sure to check the BTZ Fb page often, we post lots of stuff there!

* Album update
So, the Ulule campaign ended last month, and it was a total success! Thanks to your help, we've been able to reach 151% of our financial objective, so the final packaging for the album is going to be even prettier than expected! Thank you so much! CDs should arrive to our headquarters around april 20th, so be sure we'll be posting yours soon after.

* Live update
We are playing with the amazing band KLONE, for their next gig in Montpellier, on april 20th! Be sure to be there; the event page is here, in french. You can also check the trailer they did for the gig, it's the featured video on the right side of the site :)

* Line-up update
A few things have changed lately in the live incarnation of Between The Zones-  Emilien (who was the drummer in the hardcore band Darla) will be our second guitarist for some shows ;)

That's all for tonight! Stay tuned!!


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